Important Facts to Know About Massage
Massage can temporarily increase your need for water. As dehydrated and adhered tissues are opened up they will be starving for water. It is very important to rehydrate by drinking plenty of water throughout the day after a massage. I recommend increasing your water intake during the 24 hour period after your massage.
A massage should always be an enjoyable experience. This work does NOT have to hurt to be highly effective. Any therapist should work with you to determine the appropriate style and pressure that works best for you. Whenever you receive a massage, or any type of bodywork, your comfort is the top priority. If you are uncomfortable with any aspect of the session: too hot/cold, too much/little pressure, too much talking, or techniques that do not feel good to you, please say something. A professional therapist will never be offended by your input and can use that information to customize each session for maximum benefit. Remember, this is your session and you should be satisfied with the complete experience.